Thinking of DIY’ing your marriage green card application? Consider one-on-one coaching from an experienced immigration attorney.
Who is Coaching for?

Coaching is for couples who are looking for expert guidance and full application
support on the marriage green card petition. But don’t want to pay a lawyer full price to do it for them.
What do you get from marriage green card coaching?

One-on-One Case Evaluation With our Marriage-Green card coaching program you get a one-on-one case evaluation from an experienced immigration attorney to analyze the specific facts of your relationship. A case evaluation helps the Attorney determine if there are any complicated facts in your case, that could affect your application.
Form & Document Review The Attorney will review and provide feedback and tips on how to successfully prepare the marriage green card application, including guidance on all required forms. You will also be guided on how to prepare a strong petition by telling your true love story and providing strong bona fide supporting evidence.
Final review The attorney will review the final marriage based petition with the couple and discuss next steps in the process, including what to expect from USCIS and how to prepare for the marriage based interview. ARE YOU INTERESTED? Call/ Text/ WhatsApp our office to schedule a discovery call with the Attorney. (201) 565-0099